Monday, January 4, 2016

Preparing for Failure

This seems like a good day to write this post. In spite of all my grand plans to jump on in and be awesome... I woke up at 6:40. To refresh your memory - I've been planning to start waking up at 4:30.


Last night I even took a sleep aid a little before 9. I fell asleep at 9:30. When I woke up to my alarm ringing I was feeling pretty proud of myself until I saw that it was my backup alarm set to go off at 5:50. I also had a notification saying that one alarm was missed. What?!

I have no idea how I did that. I need to check the volume and the alert option before going to bed.

Anyway, I have only a few minutes before I need to turn the lights off, but I wanted to say this -

Instead of beating myself up for not waking up early like I wanted to, I focused on what I could still control. I listened to my scriptures on my drive to work (not my preferred method, I'd rather read them from the book, but hey! it's something!), I said a prayer on my knees before leaving for work, and I food fasted so that I could help my body accelerate it's detox from sugar (that's not scientific, that's just me thinking that it helps).

The point is, I didn't beat myself up for not doing something I was hoping to do. I didn't focus on that "mess-up" and I didn't even call it a mess-up! I didn't throw the whole day away as a loss either.


I used to be terrible at keeping up my spirits, energy, etc. after not sticking to a plan perfectly. I'm not saying I'm completely over that, but I'm saying that I'm getting better!

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